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We’re very proud to present to you our very first feature writer in the site, Nikki Del Rosario.  An established romance writer whose works have been published by different publishing company, Nikki continuously treats us with her amazing stories that always brings us to the realm of romance.


MyEbookLounge:  Tell us about yourself that you’re comfortable to share in public.

Nikki:  Hi, my name is Nikki. I am a writer from Precious Hearts Romances. Aside from being a writer, I am also a Pre-school teacher and a full-time fangirl. Let’s not talk about the age since I’m still a kid at heart. Hahaha

MyEbookLounge:  How would your friends describe you?

Nikki:  Moody, Friendly, Bubbly (?), and Crazy

MyEbookLounge:  When and why did you start writing?

Nikki:  I started writing way back in 2007.  Text fiction, since I am a fangirl. Then 2009, I was inspired by a friend who’s also writing a novel. She encouraged me to try, as well as my role model writers, they convinced me to try writing a novel since I’ve done the text fiction thing. 

MyEbookLounge:  What kind of research do you do, and how long do you spend researching before beginning a book?

Nikki:  I honestly don’t do research and i won’t call it research. I only ask my friends about some things that I don’t know. Or even random people. Tamad kasi ako mag-research, to be honest.

MyEbookLounge:  Where do you get your ideas or inspirations?

Nikki:  By observing people around me.  Sa ganoon, nakakaisip na ako ng plot.  Sometimes, listening to songs and watching TV series and movies, helps.

MyEbookLounge:  What is your writing process like?

Nikki:  I don’t have a writing process. I just write what I want to write then delete some or worst, all of it when I re-read it. Hahaha I don’t know if I can share this one but most of the time, before I write the beginning of my novels, I start with the climax.  Iyong before mag-boom ang conflict then ending. I don’t even know if weird lang ako magsulat o may iba din na gumagawa ng ganoon. Hahaha

MyEbookLounge:  What advice do you have for writers who are having writer’s block?

Nikki:  It’s okay to breathe if you have nothing to write. Rest your minds, rest your hearts, you need that. Entertain yourself by going somewhere. If you’re comfortable by traveling alone, then do it. It might somehow help you enjoy more peace and gain back your muse.

MyEbookLounge:  Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Nikki:  To be honest? I stopped writing because it exhausted me.  It feels like, I don’t know what I’m doing and why I am writing. But now, I’m in between energized and exhausted.

MyEbookLounge:  Who are the other authors you are friends with, and how do they help you become a better writer?

Nikki:  Maricar Dizon, Wendy Shaw. The two are my closest writer friends. They give me suggestions, advices, and everything that i need to be better.

MyEbookLounge:  How many published books do you have?

Nikki:  20 books

MyEbookLounge:  On an average, how long does it usually takes you to write a book?

Nikki:  Before, 1 week. Now, i don’t know (laughing).  I haven’t finish the comeback novel yet

MyEbookLounge:  Are you writing a book right now? If yes, describe your book in no more than 250 words.

Nikki:  Yes, I am writing something right now. I call it a comeback novel but this is not to be anticipated about since I don’t honestly have a confidence in my writing skills. Hahaha this is just a series that talks about everyday life. The struggles, the challenges, everything that’s going on in our lives.


Currently, Nikki have two stories published in MyEbookLounge, Semicolon 1:  Playing with Cupid  and Semicolon 2:  Perfectly Imperfect Match for everyone’s enjoyment.  Go follow her in Facebook and don’t forget to add to your reading list all her works.  We are very proud to have her part of our growing family.

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