MyEbooklounge is a start up online publisher that offers hosting of various ebooks.  Driven by our passion with reading, our primary focus is on budding authors who have the knack in writing stories of various genre either fiction, non fiction or fanfiction, poetry and even comics.  Our goal is to help them reach their target audience and promote their published works through the platform while having their works available in our online library for everyone’s reading pleasure.

How Does It Work?

Getting lost in the wide array of stories is always a heartwarming experience. As readers, we get the chance to get lost to the wildest unimaginable adventure one could ever have, fall in love with the ideal person of a lifetime, conquer the highs and lows of life struggles, go back in time to learn the old era or even enjoy the wonders of magic and a lot more.  We tend to get bits and pieces of any story we read, take it all in.  More often than not, we somehow immerse ourselves in it, seeing our own in one of its characters or relating some of our life experiences one way or another.  That is the wonder of stories, it takes us to a place where we enjoy getting lost and sometimes, it inspires us to make our own.

Somehow we start forming our own stories, the one that is our own. With the burning desire to go through the adventure of creativity and share it to the wider audience, this is the same flame we had thus inspiring us to start Ebooklounge.

We aim to establish a common platform where anyone who has intense love on reading and those who have the passion in writing can openly explore their love on the written stories of various genre.

We would like to create a community who can have healthy discussions among themselves about different stories they read or written, listen from different perspective and basically simply enjoy the company of like minded individuals without fear of judgment or alienation.

Here in Ebooklounge, you are free to get lost and be found, be bold and cautious, run wild or be tamed, be seen and identified.  

Here in Ebooklounge, you can just be…

So, as we are also figuring out how this one will work, hope this little guide we have will help you navigate Ebooklounge.  If not, then we’ll figure something out.

User Profile:

As user, you can either be readers, writers or can be both.  Once you register, you have the option to edit your profile and change it so you can have the functionality to write your own story.

As writer, you have the option to share your stories for free or publish it for a certain fee.  This site is designed to work like that so go ahead and hit that register button to start publishing your works.

Navigating for Stories:

Ebooklounge will host several works from various writers.  One of our main objective is be the main source of original work from budding authors covering various genres of stories and poetries.  You can also share your art works or animated works.  We’ll definitely enjoy those too!

Ebooks can be read online or can be downloaded so you can read them whenever you like.  They are all available and compatible with any handheld smart phones anyway. 

Though most good things in life are free, there are those that comes with a small fee.  But mind you, they will be gold mine and worth every cent.

Building Community:

As we establish Ebooklounge, we also aim to build a community of readers and freelance writers. A safe place where everyone can share the ideas without prejudice and judgment.  At the end of the day, we want to create a community of acceptance where being different is celebrated.  Hate has no place in here, just love and kindness to all.

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